@southwestair – Gary Kelly – Sir, I am writing you because I can?t resolve what seems to be an easy

Michael E. Burline sent a message to Gary Kelly that said:

I am writing you because I can’t resolve what seems to be an easy issue through your customer service department. I understand there are certain guidelines that you have in place but these are unusual circumstances and I would think that they would be make decisions on a case to case basis.
I have reservations for Flordia and due to current circumstances we need to change the reservation to a later date, October 7 and return on the 12th. We received a voucher that is good until September 27th.. I am asking for an extension on the voucher so I can rebook the flights. I was told that I had to wait until the voucher expires before an extension might be granted. I explained that the property reservation is for October and I didn’t want to wait until two weeks before to try to get reservations or possibly Ann extension on my voucher. But the representative held fast and apologized but there is nothing that she could do. Can you help?
Thank you for your time
Mike Burline

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