Mrs Delia Ellard sent a message to Stuart Gulliver that said:
A legacy which has disappeared into a HSBC Bank.
On 29/06/2021 a legacy of £100,000 SHOULD have been paid by Brothertonâs Solicitors through Lloyds Bank, into my First Direct Bank Account.
The information was written on a Form called a Beneficiary Form.
When it didnât arrive, I asked the solicitor what had happened. Unfortunately I keep all my banking Numbers in book, and some how I had written down the sort code, (which is a HSBC sort code),not the Sort Code of my First Direct Account )
On 3/07/. When I confirmed the bank account and sort code, I got the sort code wrong again, as I was looking at the book.
From the solicitor I got various reasons as to where the payment was, for the next 4 weeks. I was informed the payment had come back to their account but they needed to verify it. I asked for a copy of the beneficiary form, which I had completed, but didnât received this until 29/07. Three weeks after I had asked for it. .
As soon as I saw the number I knew it was wrong. I apologised on Thursday 29/07 to solicitor and head of finance.
30/07 The HF. said it would all be sorted out quickly now they had the correct numbers.
A week later and still not sorted. BUT not for want of trying.
It seems HSBC took it as a wrongly numbered payment. It was put into another account, (possibly A holding account) or It may have been returned to the Lloyds Bertheretons Account, BUT if so, there doesnât seem to be a returning code number, which verifies it with the original sending code number.
We have the account number and Sort code, of this account, but although Lloyds have tried to get a recall or return number for Bertheretons (if either of these happened) The Brethertonâs HF. Canât pay it out again until its verified to be MY payment. The Solicitors have to have an audit trail.
NO ONE from HSBC will supply the necessary information to prove the payment or where it is. So its sitting in an account that NO ONE will sort out.
I still can't understand how it didnât get rejected at the Lloyds bank, when it was first entered into the payment sequence. It clearly stated FIRST DIRECT Bank on the Beneficiary Form.
When I make a BACs payment. I put in the Sort Code, a window opens to say which bank the Sort Code belongs to. If this had been noticed, and had I been contacted immediately I would have checked against the cards or Statements from the bank and this would not have gone any further.
My !st Question, Why can HSBC keep hold of information to stop a basic procedure?
Surely I am not the first to get numbers muddled, and wont be the last:
2nd Question. When is HSBC going to give this information to Lloyd's, and get this legacy payment sorted out.
Please help as this legacy is going to make such a difference to my families lives.
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