@suntrust – William Rogers – account ending in 3831. ph 4044211524 hello, I originally filed this dispute and was notified

marlon wilkes sent a message to William Rogers that said:

account ending in 3831. ph 4044211524


I originally filed this dispute and was notified last week that the credit for 79.00 would be reversed as the claim was denied. I don't have an issue with that and I am taking it up with the merchant. the problem is I spoke with a rep at suntrust over the phone after requesting that the reversal not take place until 12/14 so that I could pay a bill and he assured me that 12/14 would be the date that the reversal would take place. I also received this in writing that 12/14 would be the reversal date. They erroneously took the money back on 12/7. I have called several times and also went into a branch. I have been assured several times that the reversal would be credited back into my account immediately and that the final reversal would take place on 12/14. this has not occurred. I've been lied to several times and I believe I am being treated unfairly. a reversal of a transaction doesn't take 5-6 days respectfully. I understand your policy but again I was provided written notice prior to them taking it that they wouldn't take it until 12/14 and ive been told several times it was being reversed back into my account. none of this has occurred as sunrust promised me.

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