@suntrust – William Rogers – I deposited a Christmas bonus in the amount of 8000. on Friday the 23rd. Went

Sandy Capone sent a message to William Rogers that said:

I deposited a Christmas bonus in the amount of 8000. on Friday the 23rd. Went into branch yesterday, said it would clear at midnight. Called this morning, a hold is on it until Christmas Day at 9am. Went to every supervisor who just repeated the hold stands. I have 21 family members coming for Christmas. I can get 400. at 5pm tonight. My family's Christmas is ruined. I worked so hard all year for this bonus, only to be told "nothing we can do". can't change it by 24 hours. We've been customers for twenty years, my employers checks are more than good. There is no real reason for it, I've explained the situation to everyone, begged seriously for help. Just no, and thank you for your business? You are probably already enjoying your holiday with family and friends, but needed you to know how your bank treats their most loyal customers of twenty years. I couldn't be any more upset than right now, when I should be so happy after all the hard work I have done. 240-508-0178 is my number, you have my email. Are you able to help? Sandra Capone

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