Michael S Howard sent a message to William Rogers that said:
I write to inquire about the current status of my Paycheck Protection Program application, presented online on April 10, 2020. The application is specifically for business funding relief from the COVID-19 pandemic.
I have not been able to find out the status of my application despite several calls to the bank WICH IS VERY UNUSUAL AFTER PASSING ALMOST 5 MOUNTHS.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. My current work address is 1610 Lavista Road, NE; Suite 4, Atlanta 30329. My work telephone is (404) 371-0077, M-F 9:30-5. My cell number is (404) 431-9249 and my email is mhoward@gadermpath.com.
Michael S. Howard, M.D.
Georgia Dermatopathology Associates