@SunTrustNG – William Rogers – Hello Mr. Rogers, I am writing this email on behalf of my husband Mr. Tracy

Cynthia Pitts sent a message to William Rogers that said:

Hello Mr. Rogers,

I am writing this email on behalf of my husband Mr. Tracy Pitts. My husband has had 3 accounts with Suntrust (personal, business and ministry) of which all accounts were closed by Suntrust due to some type of fraudulent activity on the ministry account of which has never been explained to us. Suntrust closed all accounts on November 21, 2019 and have yet to return the funds to us from all accounts. We have only had 1 correspondence dated in December regarding the ministry account, The personal and business accounts we never received anything about. Every phone call that he has made to Suntrust Bank, no one seems to have any productive information as to where the money is or when it will be returned to him. We have had our attorney to send a certified letter to the legal department in regards to this but have yet to get any response from them. The letter as sent sometime in February of this year and was received by Suntrust Legal department. We have also visited the local branch and spoke with the branch manage Mr. Tony Cash and he can’t seem to give any information as well. This hold on our funds has caused our mortgage to be late in January as well as some bills! This is unacceptable and at this point we are considering media coverage as well as law suit! We have been more than patient with this matter but our patience has run its course.

So I am reaching out to you to see if there is anything you can do to get our funds returned to us from Suntrust Bank before we proceed to the next level.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention in this matter

Cynthia Pitts
on behalf of
Mr. Tracy Pitts

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