@SunTrustNG – William Rogers – Mr. Rogers, I?ve been banking with SunTrust for over 20 years. I?ve had a business

Ted Randall sent a message to William Rogers that said:

Mr. Rogers,

I’ve been banking with SunTrust for over 20 years. I’ve had a business account with SunTrust since 2005. When the Coronavirus put the brakes on my business I was encouraged to learn that I would be eligible for a SBA loan and if used for payroll the loan would be forgiven. Of course this program is funded with my tax money.

I enrolled in the program the very first day I was leagally allowed, last Friday April 10. I got a few emails asking me to be patient then the emails stopped. I enrolled again. Then today I get an email explaining that due to my place in line and your inability to handle the volume of applications, I would not be receiving one. How can you allow your institution to fail your most loyal customers in their most critical time of need? This is an epic failure on your part that unfortunately will not hurt you as much as it will hurt your small business customers. You should be ashamed of your performance during this unprecedented time of need.

Going under in Raleigh,
Ted Randall

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