Ulrike Fieglein sent a message to Brian Cornell that said:
I am reaching out to you because of a very unethical practice that Target uses to make people buy more merchandise. I usually go to target stores in person and use my target card for payment. Recently I received a note from my credit score monitoring system that my credit limit was limited due to inactivity. We are living in a pandemic and I barely leave the house. My last purchase was in March of this year. Is this how you do it? Punishing people for being responsible and not going to your stores in a pandemic? Also, sometimes people pay of their credit cards because they want their score to go up to get a better interest rate for a larger purchase (mortgage for example). You are intentionally ruining peoples scores by just lowering their credit limit without any other reason than inactivity for 7 month (not even a year). Other credit card issuers are writing to their customers to tell them that the card was inactive for a year and they have to make a purchase or it will be lowered or cancelled. Not Target. It stabs customers how are responsible, have a good income and a good credit score right in the back. Not that the system is unethical in a pandemic it is also showing that target customers are of no value to the company. I wrote to customer service and received 2 form letters as answers. Sorry for the inconvenience but this is policy. You guys don't give a rats ass about ruining peoples credit score without reason. Target should be ashamed.
Not so kindly regards from a very disappointed customer
Ulrike Fieglein