@Target_Corp – Brian Cornell – I am very disappointed in your Christmas pricing. In October 2015 the price of a

Glenda Raulerson sent a message to Brian Cornell that said:

I am very disappointed in your Christmas pricing. In October 2015 the price of a Lego Heartlake Grand Hotel set was $109.99. Instead of buying this item in Oct., I decided to wait until Christmas. Imagine my surprise today on Black Friday at my Target store when the exact same set is NOW $129.99!! Really?? You gouge Christmas shoppers $20?? The elevated special Christmas price is also $129.99 online. Unacceptable! IF you want to send me a check for the $20 difference PLUS whatever additional compensation you think appropriate for my wasted time today and to get me back into your store for Christmas or any other time, let me know.

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