Eileen Smith sent a message to Brian Cornell that said:
I recently purchased some items for my granddaughter and left the store, forgetting to have them shipped as she lives in another state. When I returned to the store I was told that they have to be shipped at the time of purchase and that I would have to return the items and repurchase them. Not having the time, I left the store and mailed the items at the post office at a cost of $11. It would have taken 5 minutes for the Target rep to order my items shipped. Your website advertised free shipping and because I did not purchase the items online I did not want to argue the point. I believe that I could have been accommodated. I have a Target charge and am entitled to shipping. The Christmas crunch had not yet begun and the store was not crowded. I was very disappointed in the treatment I received.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.