Thank you for making your stance on the 2A and your knee jerk reaction to – Edward W Stack email address

Jason sent a message to Edward W. Stack Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dicks Sporting Goods Email Address that said:

Thank you for making your stance on the 2A and your knee jerk reaction to the tragedy in Florida. This has made my decision not to shop at any of your businesses in the future. It is not a hard decision since the online market is robust and usually cheaper. I would much rather seen a business focus on the MULTIPLE failures of the FBI and Local Law Enforcement. This was not a gun issue. If you know anything about firearms, you would know that the AR-15 is not nearly as effective as other firearms at causing mass casualty. However, I am not going to debate this hear as you have already shown you are only interested in kneejerk reactions and not common ground solutions. Cheers, here is to Dicks going out of business in the near future.


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