@TheHartford – Christopher Swift – I am taking care of my Father's bills since he now lives in Independent Care

Elmer John R Reeder/jUDI Reeder sent a message to Christopher Swift that said:

I am taking care of my Father's bills since he now lives in Independent Care. I had paid his Homeowners (& auto insurance) in full. However, when I got a bill for approximately $32, I thought that was for another 3 years of his AARP Membership. I was thinking of whether or not to pay that since in is living in a home. And since I had paid the insurance(s) in full, I gave those bills no more thought. Then I got t he bill for $32 for some sort of remainder on the Homeowners. Confused, since I paid it in full, I called Customer Service. The rep REFUSED to let me to to a supervisor. She claims that the insurance policy (dad has had it for many years) WOULD NOT be reinstated since I was taking over the bills and not fully aware of what was going on. Now, within the last few days, I received a letter for dad that not only will the Homeowners NOT be reinstated, BUT now the AUTO INSURANCE (NO ACCIDENT, ETC THERE, NO LATE PAYMENT, NOTHING) WILL NOW BE CANCELLED.

Is this the type of service you provide? I mean to just cancel both policies? And to cancel the Auto Insurance that has nothing to do with the homeowners policy? After all these many years of coverage?

I would like to hear from Christoper Swift, the Chairman & CEO as to whether this is normal policy OR just an bad customer service rep that took revenage on me trying to take care of my dad's bill since he is now in a home?

Judi Reeder

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