This message is in regard to the quot;you have won a Marriott vacation phone – Arne M Sorenson email address

Sandy Shinn sent a message to Arne M. Sorenson President and Chief Executive Officer of Marriott International, Inc. Email Address that said:

This message is in regard to the "you have won a Marriott vacation phone calls" The number which has a fake ID has been calling us very often. Taking the number off of your calling list does not work and often the person on the other end has an accent from another country. the ID showed the phone number as 570-472-5740. Calling this number gives a no answer. We live in Florida this is a Penna number. We are tired of running to the phone to answer to you have been selected by Marriott. I have given the Attorney Generals office this information. I am not or will ever stay at your Marriott hotel. At the time of Hurricane Irma, our home was in the path of the storm. We tried to make emergency arrangements at your Marriott, only to be told we could not stay at your Marriott because we have two small Dachshunds, so in state of emergency your refused. The phone calls are aggrivateing and Im sure many others no this scheme. So Mr. Sorenson call that number I provided to see if you won a stay at your own Marriott Hotel.

Sandra Shinn,Phd.

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