Rod Costello sent a message to Thomas Fanning that said:
Mr. Fanning,
Hello and well wishes for you and all of Southern Company and it's subsidiaries. I am reaching out simply because I'm a huge fan of yours. I have heard several of your speeches or town hall meetings and I always leave those with a feeling of empowerment to meet any challenge head on. My wonderful wife Beth works currently for GA Power (prior at AL Power) and often said that you really come across as a brilliant yet down to earth man. I recently read in Linkedin your article written involving Life Lessons Learned Through Football. I too played football and other team sports as a youngster, college and in the Air Force. I agree that team sports and lessons derived from those activities help individuals in all career fields realize that no one person can do it all and that the team approach really is the only way to win the day. I have been in law enforcement in Russell County Alabama for 27 years and I can attest that team work is the only winning approach to complicated cases or problems. I am writing this to tell you that you are valued in society not because of any boards or positions that you will ever hold but because of the way you inspire those around you. Your impact is not just limited to the energy sector but to regular folks like myself. Every once in a while a man just needs to reach out to give thanks to a probable unsuspecting person. Thank you Tom!!