Michael Hardesty sent a message to Roger Ferguson that said:
I have a serious issue with money coming out of my self directed brokerage account. No one seems to be able to provide an answer of when my money will be available.
On or about Jan 6 I entered an order to sell stock in anticipation of making a cash withdrawal. On Jan 10 a transaction was entered to transfer money from brokerage to CERF money market. It didn't work!!
On Jan 15 an order was entered to make the same transfer. On Jan 16 the money came out of the brokerage account and seemingly disappeared! This is Jan 22 and it has not yet been deposited in the CERF money market account.
I have made almost daily phone. I have been told just to give it time. Finally Dan Walker sent the problem to IT for resolution. I was told the same thing happened to several customers. Why am I suffering for an internal software problem. You control all the funds. Credit my account now and when you straighten it out put the money back. You are a huge company. Is simple customer service dead in brokerage? Today is 16 days to get my money. I will soon be into three weeks! That is unacceptable. What about injury to me? I asked for the refund for a specific purpose that I have had to delay. Can the CEO help?