To Ed Stack, My name is Fern Mermelstein Oliveri. My Father was Max, owner of – Edward W Stack email address

Fern Mermelstein Oliveri sent a message to Edward W. Stack Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dicks Sporting Goods Email Address that said:

To Ed Stack, My name is Fern Mermelstein Oliveri. My Father was Max, owner of Mermelsteins Dist. Co. in Carbondale, PA. My Father was a wholesaler of sporting goods and fishing tackle supplies and sold to your Father at Dicks Bait Shop in Binghamton, NY. As a young girl I would go with my Father when he delivered to Dicks. I just have to congratulate you on your stand against the NRA. The students from Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, FL have more sense and compassion than all of Congress and have started a movement and you have picked up the ball and are running with it. Hopefully many more will follow and we finally will have a ban on assault weapons, age limits and universal back ground checks and what ever else will make our schools and the rest of America safe. Thank you for your courage. I cried when I heard your statement. May you continue to prosper and my family and I are forever grateful to you and are forever customers of yours.
Thank you. Fern Oliveri

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