To KevinMansell: I was very disappointed on my last shopping trip to the local Kohl’s – Kevin Mansell email address

Joann sent a message to Kevin Mansell – Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Kohl’s Corporation – Email Address that said:

To KevinMansell :
I was very disappointed on my last shopping trip to the local Kohl's store in Grand Praire Texas. I entered the store to purchase a pair of ladies pants in the Women's Department and was shocked at the condition of this store! The Ladies Department was in total disarray! Clothes were thrown everywhere, even on the floor! Clothes were not put in size order , section order ,or any kind of order! I was appalled! I left the Cooper Store in Arlington Texas and drove 15 miles to this next store to find a pair of pants that were not in my size in the Arlington store. I thought of having the Arlington store call the Grand Prairie Store to see if they had my size, and I told the customer service that I would drive over instead of having her call over.
I jumped in the car and drove to the other store and thought okay I will just run in locate the rack of pants to see if they had my size, when low and behold the nightmare that I experienced in that store was horrendous! No organization, clothes thrown everywhere, sizes not in order, stock just thrown on shelf and not properly put on the shelf to look attractive ! I had to spend 1 hour rummaging through the clothing to try and make any sense of anything. Frustrated I asked to speak to the night manager and took her on a tour of the mess! I told her that Kohl's should pay me to shop in this store because of the work I had to do to shop! The pair of pants were valued at $65.00 and were thrown on the floor! I told the manager that I could shop at the local Walmart and not have this much mess, and-that the pants would only be $25.00! She agreed with me and apologized.
I don't know who is responsible for this problem, but as I see it there are several people not doing their jobs! Why is there no Manager out on the floor over seeing?The cashiers had to go in the back to find her. Why are the people not restoring and organizing their specific departments and refolding/organizing styles and sizes?Why are there Cashiers standing around visiting and not tidying up shelves and counters? Where are the District Mangers who are not visiting their stores to see if they are being kept up and attractive? Who is in charge of this store and why are they not doing their job? I worked retail and was told that if there are no paying customers I was to straighten clothes, shelves, and dust! That was part of my job also! I was to keep my department neat , orderly and attractive to invite the customer to shop and spend money!
I love shopping at Kohl's for you do have quality clothing, but not when I have to work at shopping at higher prices than Walmart! In these down turn economic times, everyone has to do more to get the customer into the store not only to look, but to buy! How can a customer buy when they can't find anything! They give up leave and go to another store! How can you be profitable and earn money for your stockholders ( my friend is a stock owner) if you are not moving stock because it is not selling because of the disorganization?
The busy Christmas shopping season will start soon. Will Kohl's have a profitable year? Not if customers are frustrated shopping in your stores.
I am hoping that the next time I shop in this store that it will be better organized and attractive to shop.
Respectfully yours,
A frustrated customer!

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