To the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) I have a Comment about Hughes Raytheon – Thomas A Kennedy email address

Phillip a. lambert Jr. (ID)HACC6742 sent a message to Thomas A. Kennedy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Raytheon Company Email Address that said:

To the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) I have a Comment about Hughes Raytheon in California what If Buy all or some of small Companys that I suggest that If Raytheon to buys . Then they could occupy some of small Company s state of the art Electronics In R1 and R2 Buildings. Also If Raytheon buys all the small Companys then they could use some or all the other parts of R4 the optical building to make product for the Military, CIA, FBI and more at no cost to Raytheon If they using Civil Service Employees for the Government product. Hughes Raytheon has all most all empty buildings space in California not in Texas. This can be the future of Hughes Raytheon in in California for very little Money. P.S use what you got not what you want for the Customer. From Phillip A. lambert Jr.(ID)HACC6742.

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