Richard Thornton sent a message to Tony Thomas that said:
am contacting you on behalf of my brother, RIchard Thorntonin Clarkesville, GA I am his siste The phone and internet service was lost from the hurricane that went through the Atlanta area 3 weeks ago. My brother does NOT have a cell phone, is in his 70's, and has not had any way to contact by phone or internet that his service was down. He has driven several times 25 miles to a WIndstream office to report, but nothing has been done by Windsream. He asked me to contact Windstream, which I did ( I talked to a gentleman named Bryan.). HOwever, Bryan could not give me a date or time for service. He said they would contact me, but I have no way to let my brother know when WIndstream is coming due to the fact MY BROTHER HAS NO phone or internet service. I am asking a simple favor given WIndstream has been ignoring him in person pleas for repair - can you at least give me a date that Winsdstream will be at this house? It won't do any good for them to call the time they will be there because there is no phone service or cell . If he knows a date, he will stay at the house all day to receive the repair people. From several phone calls, they are giving me a date of NOv 23. Given the fact he has been trying to get this resovled for weeks and his age, this is unacceptable. It is a safety hazard for him to not be able to contact the outside world given his age and circumstances. Therefore, I am pleading with you to make an exception and provide a repair Date ASAP for Windstream to come out. I live in Texas and cannot go to GA due to Covid. Thank you very much, Paula Schutz