@tonythomaswin – Tony Thomas – Hi Mr. Thomas: We are a medical practice in this area with multiple locations. We

Jay Prakash, M.D. sent a message to Tony Thomas that said:

Hi Mr. Thomas:
We are a medical practice in this area with multiple locations. We are trying get WIndstream to provide service to two of our locations - Stockbridge and Locust Grove, GA. This process was started and contract signed in October or so of lasat year. The company is treating us very negligently not allowing us to get out of the contract nor providing the service. I have complained and complained with no change. Re: SOUTHERN GASTROENTEROLOGY SPECIALIST 1102 HOSPITAL DR., STOCKBRIDGE, GA. PSR 7216043 Activate and Turn up the new Windstream 1000meg (1GIG) circuit via Comcast) and 4865 Bill Gardner Parkway, lOcust Grove. We had WIndstream an year ago with fiberoptics. The boxes from WIndstream were never picked up either, inspite of multiple requests.
The company may be good but the employees dealing with us are doing a pitifully bad job. I need you to intervene and get this straight.
Jay Prakash, M.D.

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