@tonythomaswin – Tony Thomas – I have not been able to access my primary e-mail address for over a week

Kathy Lee McLain sent a message to Tony Thomas that said:

I have not been able to access my primary e-mail address for over a week now; kathymclain@windstream.net. I have talked with customer service numerous times, two gentlemen ; dan and Aaron seemed very eager to help and got in touch with tech dept who promised to fix it, but I keep getting told a day or two . This morning after I told them it was urgent I get into my email to conduct business and was told to sign out and sign back in in an hour and it would be up. That was three hours ago and I'm still getting a 403 error message, can't access acct. We've changed my password numerous times and erased browsing history which has caused another issue. Some of my business accts including my banking app I use to pay bills won't let me in to my acct without a verification code that they send my e-mail address. Tomorrow is the 1st of the month and I have bills to pay. I'm not very happy. Could you please see if there is anything to be done that will get my email up and running. Thank you.

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