@unumnews – Richard McKenney – Hello CEO McKinney Back in 2007 I applied for whole live insurance with Unum. I

stan howard sent a message to Richard McKenney that said:

Hello CEO McKinney
Back in 2007 I applied for whole live insurance with Unum. I recently found out I had no policy by inquiring by using the 800 customer number.
I gave them my social security number and any information necessary to find my policy. They could not. After further investigation, someone at UNUM at the time of application applied my son Stan Howard Jr. to my application. I will not pay for UNUMS mistake. So I've been paying 3.60 a week since june 2007. I am requesting a full refund 2210.14 to this day. Nobody in UNUM can help get my refund. I am not and will not sign a document refunding me anything less than what I have paid in. Will you please help me get this resolved A.S.A.P.
Stan Howard
218 760 2006 please call me.

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