Mark A Green sent a message to Stuart Parker that said:
Dear Sir,
My name is CW4(R) Mark Green, I have been a loyal USAA member for about 30 years. I am usually not one to write letters but this matter has bothered me deeply.
I have had USAA bank accounts, home insurance, car insurance, loads and investments over this time. Last July I added my fiancee' to my car policy. Two months ago I received a letter from USAA stating that my policy would not be renewed. I called USAA to find out why. I was put in touch with Lisa who had reviewed my policy. She explained to me that my fiancee' had been in three accidents in the last year and that USAA algorithms, show that she will most likely be in an accident this year. I nicely explained to her that the algorithms are off and that none of the accidents where her fault.
She was first stopped at a traffic light and side swiped by a lady that was that was drunk and high. The second her son was stopped at a traffic light, saw a vehicle approaching from the rear. Tried to move out of the way and was struck by a motorist whose brakes had failed. The last incident involved my neighbors teen who backed out of his opposing driveway after my fiancee' had already backed out and ran into her.
None of these accident where her fault. I understand that Florida is a no fault state. But these accidents where beyond the control of the driver. Even I, who is considered an extremely low risk, having had 1 accident in 25 years when I was rear-ended by an uninsured motorist when I stopped for a school bus.
Lisa explained to me that USAA has been in this business for a very long time and knows what they are talking about.
What Lisa or the calculations have not take in into account are that my fiancee' has changed jobs and works from home. She has gone from driving 65 miles a day to 0. Most months she drives less than 80 miles and if we are going somewhere together, I drive. This is not to say she is not a safe driver. I am just saying in USAA algorithm predicting future accidents, none of this is has been take in into equation.
Lisa then explains to me that she will renew my policy for if either of us have another accident we will be dropped. I asked if I took her off my policy would I be ok. She explained that since Danette has access to my vehicle that it would not change anything.
How insulting, after being a loyal customer and recommending USAA to so many friends suddenly I am a high risk and they don't want my business. I felt if I had been slapped in the face and told to go beg Gieco for coverage.
This is the first time that I have felt that USAA did not have my back. I do not like driving with the thought that if someone runs into me ,that I will have to go find a new insurance company.
I hope this letter is motivation to review USAA insurance policies post-covid and readdress if policy reviewers need to take a deeper dive into policy holders before dropping them at the drop of a hat. Please put personalized service back into USAA service. I am not just a number in an algorithm, I am a USAA member.
Mark Green (CW4R)