@USAA – Stuart Parker – Re: Youth Account — Mr. Stuart Parker, CEO USAA I am writing directly to you

Yolanda Lugo sent a message to Stuart Parker that said:

Re: Youth Account --

Mr. Stuart Parker, CEO USAA

I am writing directly to you because I can’t seem to get any help from any USAA customer service representatives! I’ve attempted numerous times to get help to NO AVAIL!! I’m frustrated with the lack of knowledge and assistance I’ve received from USAA. I’ve been a member for 33 years and I’ve never known USAA to be substandard!

I opened a Savings Account in September 2019 for my granddaughter who is only 9 years old. I’ve been trying to add more funds to this account; however, I can’t even open the account and view it online because it prompts me to sign a signature card online. I tried to sign online, got a service rep to help, but he couldn’t get the link to open either. No one seems to know why the online signature won’t work for me. I have called 6 times and have been on hold and conversing on the matter for over 5 hours off and on and I am tired!!

It’s such a simple question! Why can’t I open the ….2554 account and why aren’t my signature cards noted on the account? I’ve now sent these forms via USPS & online three times. I have requested, received, and mailed USAA the signature card/form back immediately! The account still reflects (Pardon the Inconvenience) and I can’t get beyond that page. If the signature form/ card I’ve sent three times was incorrect or had any issues, WHY DON’T THEY LET ME KNOW??? WHY DO I HAVE TO BE INQUIRING REGARDING THE STATUS OF THIS ACCOUNT? And when I inquire, we start all over again. So frustrating!! Doesn’t anybody care about quality of service anymore?

Please help me get a seasoned employee or manager that knows the process of Deposit & Savings Accounts that can finally get this finalized.

Thank you,

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