@usfoods – John Lederer – I am saddened how your company has treated a customer during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our

Jennifer Harris sent a message to John Lederer that said:

I am saddened how your company has treated a customer during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our restaurant was in Illinois and on March 17 placed an order and a day later our governor had closed all eat in restaurants. In less than 15 days we have had to close our business after 10 years of business in our community. All I asked was to return non-perishable products that we received 2 days prior and were told absolutely no returns. We would have been able to if I purchased from a wholesale warehouse for example like Sam's. As this would be pennies to your company, but $700.00 is a lot for our small business. As I am sure this email will not receive a response. I will be on our local news about how a small business was not able to make it through this detrimental time of the COVID-19 pandemic in this world. I will be mentioning how a corporation of your size was not here for small business and its employees. I think this says a lot about your company. God Bless you and all your family at this time. I only hope this email will help another small business in this troubling time.
Sincerely, Jennifer Harris Grumpy's Smokehouse, Inc.

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