@verizon – Lowell McAdam – Hi- I am reaching out because it is hard to get the right help from

patty scambler sent a message to Lowell McAdam that said:

Hi- I am reaching out because it is hard to get the right help from your toll free numbers. All I want is help with getting my pictures to download on my computer. Seems like a simple request. Besides changing the cord, and unplugging/replugging, I'm sent to the next person, who I get a disconnect from.
I just want you to know, it is super frustrating. I seem to always have something that needs to be fixed, or worked out, or have to buy yet another Iphone. yes, I make good money as a nurse, but I also support a household of 5, so not so easy all the time. The customer service your company supplies needs a little help. I don;t want to follow the link that was texted to me. I'm old school and want to talk to a person. I know that's very unmodern of me, but like I said, I'm old school like that.
Thank you.

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