SURESH ARYA sent a message to Lowell McAdam that said:
Suresh AryA
2 Carlton Ct.
New City, NY 10956
12 October 2020
Mr. Hans Vesterberg
Chairman and CEO
Verizon Wireless Services
1095 Ave. of Americans
New York, NY 10036.
RE. Loyal customer
Dear Mr.Vesterberg,
I am a loyal customer of Verizon wireless for about 20 years. I alone have five lines not including other members of my family, who could not be added to my account. To get my business, other wireless service providers who have contacted us offer various deals including free phones.
I would like to request you to consider my loyalty to your company and offer some benefit that encourages me to remain with the Verizon wireless services.
I Have been in touch with Mr. T.J, of your customer service. He was kind enough to offer me credit towards I phone 11 if I upgrade two lines. I had requested if this offer can be extended to, I Phone 12, (to be launched this week}. Unfortunately, he is unable to extend this offer for I Phone 12.
It is sad that Verizon offers many discounts and incentives to new customers which is not open to its loyal customers. I would like to request you to consider offering some incentive to your loyal customers too.
I hope you will be kind enough and extend current offer from Mr. TJ towards I Phone 12.
I am enclosing a copy of my correspondence with Mr. T.J.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Suresh Arya
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