@visasecurity – Charles Scharf – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/gab-ceo-warns-visa-helping-bring-chinas-social-credit-score-america This is bad news for VISA, the trash heap of history awaits

Craig V Weaver sent a message to Charles Scharf that said:


This is bad news for VISA, the trash heap of history awaits VISA. First amendment rights are painful today but necessary for maintaining civil society.

Americans are tired of the big tech, big money corporations virtue signaling. Bend the knee on your own time, let Americans be Americans along with all our annoying rights like the 2nd Amendment and free speech. If that is abhorrent to you, consider that you may have been brainwashed by fascists who practice fascism and anti-racism activists who practice racism. There is a reckoning on the horizon, don't be on the wrong side of history. I have notified the Atty General about the article, doesn't matter, these things are being watched, guess what, other people are keeping VISA's score too. So what comes around goes around.

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