@WasteManagement – David Steiner – HI the people on the phone at your company dont take me seriously. They told

frank bonacci sent a message to David Steiner that said:

HI the people on the phone at your company dont take me seriously. They told me when i signed up it was $25 a month, when its really $39 a month to collect my garbage. Im on a small pension, disabled, had to retire early, i have a bunch of herniated discs in entire back and neck, sciatica in left leg. I was paying $50 a month, alli could afford, they told me account was overdue, i only had you guys for almost 2 months, anyways, they know my situation. i had to cancel and find another company. couldnt afford it, and they wouldnt work with me. then they charge me $75 for removing their own green bin. they said it was because of farming it out to another company. however I got a photo of a waste management worker in uniform with waste management truck. taking the bin away.

i called to complain and they didnt want to hear me when i told them its not fair to charge me $75 when its the own company person doing it and not another company. anyways, i told them on phone im calling the news, i have skooknews.com and republican herald calling me back i left a message. and abc, cbs, and nbc are next.

i dont think its gonna look good that i was paying max i could afford in my sit. $50 a month and they wouldnt even work with me, nonetheless charge me $75 a bogus fee for another contractor, for the green bin.

I wouldnt feel right not giving you the opportunity as the "boss" at the top to make the situation correct before I went to the news.

I would like the fees, late fees, all removed. they havnent come in a few weeks to get garbage anyways, and I already cancelled and got potts and monger which really truly is only $25 a month.
and please dont send my account to collections and ruin my credit thanks.

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