We have posted nearly 40 articles about Bigfoot on our website since 2010. Consistently, those – David M Zaslav email address

Mary Joyce, editor of www.skyshipsovercashiers.com sent a message to David M. Zaslav - President and Chief Executive Officer of Discovery Communications, Inc. - Email Address that said:

We have posted nearly 40 articles about Bigfoot on our website since 2010. Consistently, those who have interacted with the Bigfoot say they are like distant human cousins who should be protected, not hunted and killed. We are horrified by the entire premise of your show KILLING BIGFOOT and ask that you delete it from your programming.

The only times weve ever heard of Bigfoot being aggressive were when humans invaded their space or threatened them, and then they simply made a lot of noise or threw rocks in the direction of the people, but never directly at them.

The hunters on KILLING BIGFOOT, and those who choose to broadcast the show, show less humanity than any Bigfoot. Its worth mentioning that DNA research has revealed that the MATERNAL DNA in Bigfoot is HUMAN and Native American tribes have long regarded them as a clan of people.

Again, please delete KILLING BIGFOOT from your programming.

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