@wellcare_health – Kenneth Burdick – As a retired nurse and law-abiding US citizen I am very concerned and appalled that

Claudia O'Neill sent a message to Kenneth Burdick that said:

As a retired nurse and law-abiding US citizen I am very concerned and appalled that CVS is aggressively defrauding me, my physicians, and WellCare by actively obtaining refills that neither I nor my physicians have requested. This is CVS prescribing and dispensing illegally. This has occurred despite my explicitly asking for those prescriptions to be deleted. It has happened with a medication removed from the market (I would genuinely like to know from which overseas sketchy source CVS is still getting ranitidine). It has happened with a prescription that had 0 refills on the original prescription by physician no longer in practice. CVS must have initiated getting that refill from another physician or else simply refilling it in physician's name without his knowledge or consent. This is CVS prescribing and dispensing illegally. It has happened with a medication I am no longer taking after being switched to a different medication. Were I not a retired RN I likely would have thought that the doctor decided to leave me on it and take it along with the other medication resulting in a toxicity. I have sent an email to Larry J Merlo, CEO of CVS asking that he see to it that CVS stops this. In the interest of public safety, I shall add my one small voice by reporting this series of events to the state board of pharmacy, to Medicare and to you, CEO of my Medicare Part D insurance company, and to the state insurance fraud overseers.
I would like to ask you if in the event CVS does not stop doing this, may I change to another pharmacy that does not engage in these behaviors and still be considered "in network" with WellCare?
Thank you for your help with this issue.
Claudia O'Neill

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