William Dillard II – Mr. Dillard I am reaching out to implore you to close your stores for at

Mike sent a message to William Dillard II that said:

Mr. Dillard
I am reaching out to implore you to close your stores for at least 30 days. As this COVID-19 spreads across America at an exponential rate, many of us have high risk family members that work for you and love their jobs, and many of these family members are terrified of this COVID-19 pandemic, and would very much like to stay at home until things improve.
However, they are afraid to speak up or stir confrontation for fear of losing their jobs. If you closed your stores now, then our at high risk family members and all of your loyal employees could quickly start their unemployment process.
At the very least if you could just allow your highest risk employees to file for unemployment to have peace of mind that they are not at risk of contracting this or taking it home to potentially infect their families, who are also at very high risk.
Once again sir I IMPLORE you to please find it in your heart to do the moral thing and protect your loyal family of employees immediately.
Mike Screlp

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