Jae Katz sent a message to Laura Alber that said:
Dear Laura,
I have to believe that a "light bulb" did not go off in your head, or your buyer\'s head when Pottery Barn decided to sell replicas of mounted trophy-hunted dead animal heads. Three of the most endangered species on Earth. Seeing that page on your site was SHOCKING. Your company has now made a very bold statement to children that A. endangered animals heads, gotten from the slaughter of trophy hunting, make a perfect bedroom accessory, B. animals sole purpose is to decorate a house, C. hunting is to be admired.
In all reality, unless you yourself are a hunter, I would doubt this is a message a company as large as Williams Sonoma would endorse.
Instead, after immediately removing these heads from being sold, an equally bold and responsible action would be for your company to make a sizable donation that helps stop poaching and trophy hunting in Africa and allows these children to also grow up and have the quickly, and devastatingly, diminishing experience of wild animals living free. Such as lions, zebras and yes walruses. Did you know > "The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that they are considering granting Endangered Species Act protections to the Pacific Walrus."
The world expects a reply from you and I know, from your heart, that the correct one is coming! We all await an answer. Thank you for listening and I hope your company will be - joining the cause of saving our World\'s endangered species!
Best, Jae