@Xerox – Ursula Burns – Dear, Ms. Ursula Hello, my name is Kayla and I'm a high school freshman student

Kayla Murry sent a message to Ursula Burns that said:

Dear, Ms. Ursula

Hello, my name is Kayla and I'm a high school freshman student. We are working on a project in mathematics class , called an iCube project, based upon something you enjoy , that involves math of course . And I chose to do my project upon something I want to do when I get older which is to be an entrepreneur such as yourself and to own my own business. If you don't mind I will like to ask you a few questions ; how did you get the idea of wanting to be an CEO of your own company?, such as what inspired you to do so, or were you just playing around and seeing where your idea would get you. The next question would be , what was your mission on the outcome of your project, what did you think your outcome would be when you first came with the idea of starting your business? How did you start to advertise your company/product? , to have your customers to become interested into coming to your company. Following, how did you attribute your success? Last, if you had to give one piece of advice to give to someone who is just starting their business, what would you tell them?

SIncerely, Kayla M.
( hope to hear from you soon)

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