@YamahaMotoGP – Takuya Nakata – Dear Mr.Nakata: I am a professional musician<br>I have owned a number of Yamaha Keyboards

Allan sent a message to Takuya Nakata that said:

Dear Mr.Nakata: I am a professional musician
I have owned a number of Yamaha Keyboards, including a Motif 8 and just recently purchased a CVP609. A month ago I bought a Tyros 5 workstation for my son. He too is a professional musician.
Unfortunately he is losing his sight. He still has some central vision in one eye. He needs private tuition on the Tyros5 to learn the steps of creating midi file, recording and familiarizing himself with the controls and functions of the instrument. He lives in Toronto, too far away for me to help him, but I would be grateful if you can arrange for your Toronto office to find a local teacher who can provide private lessons. I wil be happy to pay for these myself. I will be grateful for your help.

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