Bobby Moreno sent a message to Greg Creed that said:
Hi Greg,
I just saw a video where one of your employees, who served our country in the Middle East, is unable to provide for his family working full-time for your company. Have you seen the video because it is heartbreaking to watch a grown man who genuinely enjoys his job making food for the people of his community break down because his employers don\'t value him enough to pay him what he needs to simply survive.
Im honestly wondering where you feel your responsibility to your employees lies? Do you pay them the minimum wage because is it legislated, or because you feel that is fair pay for the work they are doing? Would you pay them less if you could? Would you be willing to take a pay cut to ensure the people that are the front line of your operation can live healthy, safe, wholesome lives?
I would love to see KFC be the leader in the industry because it seems patently clear the minimum wage is going to change, but if you take proactive steps the marketing benefit could outweigh the labor costs.
Have a great day!