Hello, I shop for my kids at Toys R Us that you are selling the video game Grand Theft Auto V – Antonio Urcelay email address

Christie sent a message to Antonio Urcelay Chairman and CEO, Toys €œR Us, Inc. that said:

Hello, I shop for my kids at Toys R Us that you are selling the video game, Grand Theft Auto V. This game promotes really horrific violence against women. If you aren't aware, here is a sample of what you can do in the game: While this line of games has always had this issue, GTA 5 is especially sexual and brutally violent when it comes to women. Games like this are grooming yet another generation of boys to tolerate violence against women and I really expect more from your company.. Target Australia just decided to pull the game. I encourage you to do the same and not put money over more important things. Women and girls have a right to live lives free of violence and you can be a part of promoting that. Thank you.

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