priyanshu sent a message to Natarajan Chandrasekaran that said: i am a child of 14. sir i want nothing but i have seen India in a very lower condition, sir i have an idea that help our country to develop faster that is i need an tata's subsidiary please approve my request [AdSense-A]
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@Ford – Mark Fields – Can't understand why a Ford dealer ship is unable to fix check engine light. They
Fred lesperance sent a message to Mark Fields that said: Can't understand why a Ford dealer ship is unable to fix check engine light. They read code and say this is it. Must not be. Twice. High temp senser. Getting frustrated. Thank you for your time [AdSense-A]
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@dmcmillon17 – Doug McMillon – Why do you have 2 prices on many items?? (shelf price ®ister price) Bread- $1
Ted Cassidy sent a message to Doug McMillon that said: Why do you have 2 prices on many items?? (shelf price ®ister price) Bread- $1.98, shelf price; $2.18 register price; Equal-250ct $4.48 shelf price; $4.98 register price. That's why I stopped shopping at walmart a couple years ago--- thought I'd try again... and got screwed....…
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@dollartree – Bob Sasser – I am contacting you in regards to how I was treated by one of your
Kendra Cook sent a message to Bob Sasser that said: I am contacting you in regards to how I was treated by one of your employees at store #3803 today. I went into the store to purchase a newspaper and browse for anything new that might catch my eye. When I entered the store I…
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