Leslie Huezo sent a message to James Goodnight that said: Good afternoon sir, I know this is a shot in the dark but I am planning to attend UNCC this upcoming fall. I have my major set as psychology but hope to change it to Business administration. I come from a low to median income…
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@HowieSchultz – Howard Schultz – I provide a private place for mothers to breastfeed in stores, restaurants, schools, etc. I
Veronda M Powell sent a message to Howard Schultz that said: I provide a private place for mothers to breastfeed in stores, restaurants, schools, etc. I think adding a space for mothers to breastfeed in Starbucks would be a welcomed addition, produce a positive atmosphere and support a customer friendly environment that Starbucks demonstrates. Please…
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@bkrunner – Brian Krzanich – Dear Mr. Krzanich, My name is Ms. Stel Pinhasov. Since I know that innovation interests
Ms. Stel Pinhasov sent a message to Brian Krzanich that said: Dear Mr. Krzanich, My name is Ms. Stel Pinhasov. Since I know that innovation interests you, I would like to present to you the Israeli Company SIT - SYSTEMATIC INVENTIVE THINKING | www.sitsite.com Sincerely and looking forward to get a response by email (berlinitc@gmail.com)…
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@CharterNewsroom – Thomas M Rutledge – Hello Mr. Rutledge- I am reaching out to you for some help. I am a
Alix sent a message to Thomas M Rutledge that said: Hello Mr. Rutledge- I am reaching out to you for some help. I am a Director for a property management company in NC. We use Spectrum for AIC internet at one of our boutique sites and we are having many issues with Spectrum and their…
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