I would like to request that a customer service manager read and respond to – Antonio Urcelay email address

Karen sent a message to Antonio Urcelay Chairman and CEO, Toys R Us, Inc. that said:

I would like to request that a customer service manager read and respond to this message. I apologize in advance for sending this email directly to you but my emails to the customer service center are routinely ignored. I am extremely disappointed at the lack of customer service that I have encountered at Toys R Us these past three months. I have had a ridiculously difficult time completing purchases from your company. The first instance occurred when an online layaway was never processed and I was unable to pay on it for three weeks. I called the customer service number several times, chatted for extended periods of time, on two separate occasions, with two online chat representative who, after 15 or so minutes, deferred my issue and asked that I call the customer service number. On top of that, I sent a half dozen emails. Five of those emails were completely ignored and the sixth was responded to with a representative telling me what I already knew, which was that the order from three weeks ago had not been processed. The layaway has now been cancelled and your company kept $10 of my money even though it was your company which prevented me from paying on the order on many different occasions when I tried to place a layaway payment online. My second problem occurred last week when a different layaway of mine was paid off. I have spent over $1,500 this Fall at Toys R US, had many orders and had to place those orders at several locations because so many of my items were not available for shipping on your website. Therefore, I logged on to the website and asked a representative via chat which location my order was at, your Monroeville, PA store or the Cranberry, PA store. The representative told me that it was at the Monroeville, PA store. Yesterday, I drove an hour from my home to the Monroeville, PA store only to find that my order was NOT at that location and the chat representative never bothered to actually check where my items were located. I then drove an hour home through rush hour traffic with no Toys R Us items in tow. When I called the customer service number, I was told that there was no place in my order that even mentioned the Monroeville, PA store and that my order was at your Cranberry, PA location.  Today, I travelled to the Cranberry, PA location to pick up my layaway. The woman at the customer service desk told me to scan my receipt at a self-serve kiosk and wait at the back of the store for a representative to bring my order out. I followed her directions and stood in the back of the store for 20 minutes with several representatives passing me on various occasions and not asking if I needed help, etc. I pushed the Ask for assistance” button at the merchandise pick-up location several times…no help. I scanned my receipt again no answer. So, after 20 minutes I went back to the Customer Service counter to be told, by the very woman who sent me to the back of the store in the first place, that my order had been delivered to the front of the store. No one told me. I would still be standing back there waiting for my order had I not gone to the front of the store and pleaded for assistance. It is upsetting how horrifyingly negligent your company is in regard to customer service. It repeatedly failed via email. It repeatedly failed via online chat. It repeatedly failed via your customer service phone number and it repeatedly failed in the actual store. Next year, I will be taking my business to other companies as I refuse to go through this much stress to give my money to a company. Karen

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